New Lineage 2 private servers

Clans and Alliances

General information about clans

A clan consists of a Clan Leader and a number of clan members. New clans can accept up to 10 members. By developing and gaining levels, they can increase to 140 members.

Clan level Members Academy 1st Royal Guard 2nd Royal Guard 1st Knightly Order 2nd Knightly Order 3rd Knightly Order 4th Knightly Order Max number of members
0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
1 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15
2 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
3 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30
4 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40
5 40 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 60
6 40 20 20 20 0 0 0 0 100
7 40 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 140
8 40 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 140


Creation of a clan

Any character over level 10 can create a clan. Upon reaching level 10 or higher, he/she can go to the NPC responsible for creating the clan. The clan name can consist of a maximum of 16 alphanumeric characters and cannot include spaces or special characters.

Leave the clan

A clan member can leave the clan, but will receive certain penalties:

If a clan leader leaves the clan, the clan is automatically disbanded and receives penalties.

Transfer of Clan Leader Rights

The clan leader can transfer rights to other clan members. The leader must submit a request to transfer rights from the NPC responsible for actions related to the clan. The new clan leader will begin his new role within the specified activation time. (The transfer of clan leader rights must occur even if the connection with the server is unexpectedly interrupted). The transfer of rights can be canceled at any time before the expiration of the specified activation time.

Dissolution of the clan

The clan leader can dissolve the clan without the prior consent of the clan members. The dissolution of a clan is carried out in the same way as the creation, through the appropriate NPC.

The dissolution of the clan occurs within seven calendar days. The use of clan skills is limited during this period, but the clan chat and message board can still be used. A clan cannot be dissolved if it is involved in a clan war. Clan members who leave the clan during these seven days also cannot join new clans for one calendar day, but once the clan is dissolved, remaining players can join clans immediately.

A clan leader who disbands his clan receives an experience penalty equal to the penalty from one death, and cannot create a new clan for the next ten days. In addition, all the clan's skills and the glory they have earned will be lost.

Clan levels

Clan levels are acquired in stages. If a clan gains a level, it also receives a new level of clan skills. With these skills, the clan gains various options for managing and strengthening the clan, including registering clan members, expulsion, dissolution, transfer of rights, and use of the warehouse. The higher the clan level, the stronger the clan becomes.

Here is a list of requirements for each clan level:

Clan level SP Aden Required Items Reputation points Minimum number of clan members
1 20,000 650,000 - 0 1 or more
2 100,000 2,500,000     1 or more
3 350,000 0 Blood Mark​   1 or more
4 1,000,000 0 Alliance Manifesto​   1 or more
5 2,500,000 0 Seal of Aspiration   1 or more
6 0 0 - 10,000 30 or more
7 0 0 - 20,000 80 or more
8 0 0 - 40,000 120 or more

Speak with Sir Kristof Rodemai in Town of Giran to receive information about the Alliance Manifesto, and with Sir Gustaf Athebaldt in Town of Oren for more information about the Seal of Aspiration. Other clan quests also become available as the clan level increases.

The table shows the bonuses received by the clan at each level:

Level 0 Level 1 Level 2
Registration of clan members (10 members)
Expulsion of a clan member
Dissolution of a clan
Clan chat
Increasing the number of clan members (15 members)
Using the clan warehouse
Manage the clan warehouse
Increasing the number of clan members (20 members)
Participating in auctions for Clan Halls
Managing Clan Halls
Installing improvements in Clan Halls
Using the clan notice board
Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Increasing the number of clan members (30 members)
Installing a clan emblem
Assigning titles to clan members
Declaring war
Clan announcements
Starting the quest for clan level 4
Increasing the number of clan members (40 members)
Participation in a siege
Setting up a camp during sieges (clan leader)
Seal of Ruler skill (clan leader)
Managing a castle
Installing improvements in the castle
Starting the quest for the 5th level of the clan
Increasing the number of clan members (60 members)
Creation and dissolution of an alliance
Creation of an Academy
Opportunity to earn reputation points
Learning clan skills
Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
Increasing the number of clan members (100 members)
Creating the Royal Guard
Learning clan skills
Increasing the number of clan members (140 members)
Creating an Order of Knights
Learning clan skills
Learning clan skills

Royal Guard and Order of Knights

When the clan's level begins to rise through reputation points, the clan leader can begin to create sub-troops called Royal Guards and Orders of Knights.

Royal Guards

When a clan reaches level 6, you can create a Royal Guard. After creating the Royal Guard, one of the clan members must be appointed as an administrator. You can create up to two Royal Guard units. The maximum number of Royal Guard members is 30.

Order of Knights

When a clan reaches level 7, you can create an Order of Knights. After creating the Order of Knights, one of the clan members must be appointed as an administrator. You can create up to two Order of Knights units with each Royal Guard. The maximum number of Order of Knights members is 10.

Organizational structure

The organizational structure of the units is as follows:

Rights within the clan

Subtroops can participate in clan wars and sieges under the same conditions as the clan.


The Academy system makes the game easier for new players, in addition to providing a way for long-term growth and strengthening of the clan.

Clans of level 5 and above can create an Academy.

Any character level 39 or lower who has not yet joined a clan and has not received a second profession can join the Academy. The maximum number of Academy members is 20. A clan leader can create an Academy with the help of NPCs responsible for clan-related activities (High Priest, Grand Master, etc.).

Bonuses and penalties for Academy members

When an Academy member completes a quest for a second profession, they receive a commemorative item. The senior NPC of the Academy member character's class will give a commemorative item automatically upon completion of the quest for the second profession.

The character is automatically expelled from the Academy and does not receive a fine when joining the same clan.

Rights of Academy members

The clan name of an Academy member is the same as that of the main clan, but is displayed in yellow.

Academy members can use clan and alliance chats.

By default, Academy members can use the clan hall and castle owned by the clan, just like any other clan member. However, the clan leader can change this setting so that Academy members will not be able to use them.

Academy members can use the clan warehouse and clan notice board in the same way as other clan members. However, the clan leader can change this setting so that Academy members will not be able to use them.

The rights listed below are not available to Academy members:

During a clan war or siege, Academy members:

Player ranks

Player ranks depend on the social status and activity of the clan.


Rank Level 5 clan or character without a clan Level 6 clan Clan level 7 Clan level 8
Vagabond Character without a clan - - -
Vassal Clan member Academy Member Academy Member Academy Member
Heir Clan member Member of Royal Guards Member of the Order of Knights -
Knight Level 4 clan leader Core Member Member of Royal Guards Member of the Order of Knights
Elder (Wise Man) Level 5 clan leader Captain of the Royal Guards Core Member Member of Royal Guards
Baron Nobleman Clan Leader Commander of the Order of Knights Core Member
Viscount - - Captain of the Royal Guards Commander of the Order of Knights
Count - - Clan Leader Captain of the Royal Guards
Marquis Hero - - Clan Leader